Master Method Series #19
Master Method Series #19
قم برحلة من الهواة إلى الماجستير مع المدرب الأكثر تأهيلًا لإرشادك. لم يقتصر الأمر على قيام فاليري بنفسه ، ولكنه ساعد الآخرين أيضًا في القيام بها.
بالاعتماد على تجربته الهائلة في التدريب ، أنتج IM Lilov تدريباً شاملاً بشكل لا يصدق لمدة 30 ساعة ، يمنحك كل الفهم الموضعي ، كل الذكاء التكتيكي ، اللازم للوصول إلى مستوى الماجستير.
وفاليري لا يقوم فقط بإلقاء المواد عليك ، فهو يشرح كيفية دمج هذه المعرفة الجديدة في لعبك حتى تصبح طبيعة ثانية.
دع مدربًا مؤكدًا يدربك من مستوى الهواة إلى إتقان هذه الدورة الضخمة في لعبة الشطرنج الشاملة!
كل ماجاء في الكورس
- Introduction
- Punishing poor development
- Controlling space in the opening
- Early attacks
- Key steps to deep structure
- The quadrant of attack
- Attacking potential
- Opening initiative
- Positional background
- Strategic ingredients
- Concrete analysis
- How to deal with the initiative
- Dynamic plans
- Development, pressure and attacking moves
- Setting up your structure
- Handling complicated positions
- The Golden Rule of the endgame
- Key problems in the endgame
- Advice on calculating
- Keys of positional chess, part 1
- Keys of positional chess, part 3
- Files and pieces for attack
- Coordination
- Setting up attacks
- The concept of space
- Transformation
- Endgame tips
- Bobby Fischer’s attacking secret
- How Fischer improves his pieces
- Improvement and maneuvering
- Complex positions
- More complex positions
- Creating circumstances
- Building structure
- Alekhine’s key to attacking
- Dynamic positions
- Step by step through the middlegame
- Build-up and weaknesses
- Setting smart traps
- Fischer’s approach to attacking
- The secret to openings
- Learn attacking from Mikhail Tal
- Kasparov’s attacking secret
- Justified early attacks
- Maneuvering
- Exploiting weaknesses
- The importance of preparation
- Get better at blitz
- The techniques of blitz chess
- How to attack like Tal
- How to attack like Kasparov
- Paul Morphy’s approach to tactics
- Exploiting opening mistakes
- The power of gambits
- The concept of piece activity
- The concept of expansion
- Exploiting bad openings
- Capablanca’s planning
- Steinitz’ concept of structure
- Bobby Fischer’s build-up play
- Reduce your opponent
- Coordination and piece activity
- Coordination and piece activity 2
- Opening weaknesses
- Tal’s strategic secrets
- Tal’s strategic secrets 2
- Key points for attacking
- Magnus Carlsen’s secret of chess
- The power of preparation
- Live blitz – The Concept of Space
- Converting an advantage
- Opening the position
- Growing your initiative
- Domination through attack
- The key elements of successful attacks
- The build-up strategy
- The impact of weaknesses
- Creating possibilities
- Relative value of the pieces
- Active vs. passive pieces
- An opening secret
- Playing complex positions
- Concrete circumstances
- Piece activity matters
- Live blitz – Structure and coordination
- Live blitz – Handling complications
- Live blitz – The opening advantage
- Live blitz – Targeting weaknesses
- Live blitz – Positional dynamics
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