Endgames of the World Champions Vol. 2 - from Steinitz to Spassky by Karsten Müller (CBFT)

Endgames of the World Champions Vol. 2 - from Steinitz to Spassky by Karsten Müller (CBFT)
ترك كل أبطال العالم بصماتهم على لعبة الشطرنج. كان لديهم أنماط مختلفة ولكن كل واحد منهم لعب مباراة النهاية بشكل جيد للغاية. تستند المواد الموجودة على قرص DVD هذا إلى سلسلة ChessBase MasterClass ، وتمنحك فرصة جيدة للاستمتاع ببعض أفضل الألعاب في تاريخ الشطرنج.
استمتع بتقنية Capablanca الجميلة ، وسحر Tal ، وروح Lasker القتالية ، ومهارات Petrosian الدفاعية ، وشعور Smyslov بالوئام ، ومظهر Alekhine و Spassky. تعلم من النهج النظري العلمي لبوتفينيك وإوي وستاينيتز. وضع أول بطل عالمي في الواقع أسس نظرية الشطرنج الموضعية. كان ، على سبيل المثال ، أول من أظهر كيفية تقييد الأسقف والفارس مع زوج الأساقفة ، وهي طريقة لا تزال مثالية اليوم. بنى خلفاؤه على نظرياته وساهم كل منهم في نظرية اللعبة النهائية. قم برحلة في الوقت المناسب إلى الأيام الخوالي التي كانت لا تزال تؤجل فيها الألعاب ويتبع العالم كله تحليلات نهاية اللعبة بشكل محموم.
• مدة تشغيل الفيديو: 13 ساعة (الإنجليزية)
• التدريب التفاعلي بما في ذلك ردود الفعل الفيديو
• إضافي: نهاية مباريات مورفي
• بما في ذلك CB 15 Reader

  1. 01: Introduction [05:33]
  2. To navigate to the chapters, use the menu on the left.
  3. Steinitz
  4. 01: The Steinitzian method of restriction - Englisch,B - Steinitz,W [19:37]
  5. 02: Two bishops vs two knights - Steinitz,W - Chigorin,M [11:54]
  6. 03: Opposite coloured bishops favour the attacker - Steinitz,W - Sellman,A [03:25]
  7. 04: Good knight bad bishop - Steinitz,W - Porges,M [08:21]
  8. 05: Opening attacking inroads - Steinitz,W - Mackenzie,G [05:29]
  9. 06: The transformation of advantages - Steinitz,W - Zukertort,J [06:55]
  10. Interactive Video
  11. 01: A knightmare - Neumann,G - Steinitz,W [06:51]
  12. Lasker
  13. Endgames with rook and minor piece or two rooks against rook and minor piece
  14. 01: Mating attacks out of the blue - Lasker,E - Schiffers,E [05:19]
  15. 02: Lasker's long-range bishop - Marshall,F - Lasker,E [10:06]
  16. 03: Lasker's monster rooks - Alekhine,A - Lasker,E [07:03]
  17. Minor piece endgames
  18. 01: Lasker's light-footed knight - Lasker,E - Marco,G [06:05]
  19. 02: Extended knight maneuvers - Tarrasch,S - Lasker,E [05:14]
  20. Classics
  21. 01: Lasker's miraculous king - Lasker,E - Tarrasch,S [01:51]
  22. 02: The gem in the rook ending against Rubinstein - Lasker,E - Rubinstein,A [03:27]
  23. 03: Activating the rook in the rook ending - Schlechter,C - Lasker,E [03:45]
  24. 04: The monster knight e6 - Lasker,E - Capablanca,J [06:09]
  25. 05: The legendary fifth game of the World Championship Match against Carl Schlechter - Schlechter,C - Lasker,E [10:16]
  26. Interactive Videos: Lasker the defender
  27. 01: A queen like a hurricane - Marshall,F - Lasker,E [04:17]
  28. 02: The fortress knight - Lasker,E - Lasker,E [08:18]
  29. Capablanca
  30. Minor piece endings
  31. 01: The hammer blow - Corzo y Prinzipe,J - Capablanca,J [03:41]
  32. 02: The fortress breaker - Nimzowitsch,A - Capablanca,J [03:25]
  33. Rook endings
  34. 01: Capablanca's immortal king march - Capablanca,J - Tartakower,S [10:06]
  35. 02: The breakthrough in the centre - Capablanca,J - Yates,F [09:15]
  36. 03: Activity: the be-all and end-all in rook endings - Capablanca,J - Kostic,B [10:53]
  37. Double rook endings
  38. 01: The correct exchange - Kan,I - Capablanca,J [09:34]
  39. 02: Opening up the kingside - Capablanca,J - Janowski,D [08:46]
  40. Three classics
  41. 01: Capablanca's control - Capablanca,J - Alekhine,A [04:36]
  42. 02: Euwe's monster knight - Euwe,M - Capablanca,J [05:24]
  43. 03: Lasker's downfall - Capablanca,J - Lasker,E [03:58]
  44. Interactive Videos
  45. 01: A breakthrough - Capablanca - Kalantarov [13:28]
  46. 02: A brilliant bishop endgame - Capablanca,J - Janowski,D [12:48]
  47. Alekhine
  48. The fourth phase of the game
  49. 01: Flexibility first - John,W - Alekhine,A [06:54]
  50. 02: Four Queens invite for a dance - Capablanca,J - Alekhine,A [04:00]
  51. 03: Not all rook endings are drawn - Alekhine,A - Eliskases,E [03:55]
  52. 04: Not all queen endings are drawn - Alekhine,A - Stoltz,G [10:02]
  53. Alekhine's attacking king
  54. 01: Queen and Knight win the fight - Feigins,M - Alekhine,A [03:53]
  55. 02: Triumph on the dark squares- Alekhine,A - Yates,F [04:36]
  56. Classical endgames
  57. 01: The power of the bishops - Alekhine,A - Reti,R [04:06]
  58. 02: The classcial rook ending against Capablanca - Alekhine,A - Capablanca,J [08:18]
  59. 03: The classcial rook ending against Bogoljubow - Alekhine,A - Bogoljubow,E [02:51]
  60. 04: Tricky pawns in the ending - Ilyin Zhenevsky,A - Alekhine,A [03:26]
  61. Euwe
  62. 01: The eternal pin - Euwe,M - Alekhine,A [06:27]
  63. 02: The pearl of Zandvoort - Euwe,M - Alekhine,A [05:15]
  64. 03: Knight surprise - Euwe,M - Alekhine,A [05:34]
  65. 04: Powerplay on the light squares - Euwe,M - Capablanca,J [04:25]
  66. 05: "What a knight!" - Euwe,M - Capablanca,J [05:29]
  67. 06: Missed win against Capablanca - Euwe,M - Capablanca,J [06:21]
  68. 07: Euwe outfoxes Spielmann - Spielmann,R - Euwe,M [07:20]
  69. 08: Euwe's active king part 1 - Keres,P - Euwe,M [06:17]
  70. 09: Euwe's active king part 2 - Euwe,M - Landau,S [05:06]
  71. 10: Cochrane's defence and Philidor's win- Grob,H - Euwe,M [05:29]
  72. Interactive Video
  73. 01: Knight magic - Alekhine,A - Euwe,M [05:05]
  74. Botvinnik
  75. 01: Iron logic against magic - Tal,M - Botvinnik,M [09:43]
  76. 02: Geller's brilliant ressource - Botvinnik,M - Fischer,R [09:39]
  77. 03: The classical win against Najdorf - Botvinnik,M - Najdorf,M [06:23]
  78. 04: A light initiative weighs heavily - Botvinnik,M - Alekhine,A [08:38]
  79. 05: The rolling pawns - Taimanov,M - Botvinnik,M [03:43]
  80. 06: Bronstein's Knightmare - Bronstein,D - Botvinnik,M [04:03]
  81. 07: Long horse races - Botvinnik,M - Thomas,G [08:06]
  82. 08: Botvinnik's Law - Botvinnik,M - Keres,P [07:41]
  83. 09: Knightfortress - Spasski,B - Botvinnik,M [05:11]
  84. 10: Knight domination Part 1 - Botvinnik,M - Robatsch,K [02:32]
  85. 11: Knight domination Part 2 - Botvinnik,M - Kottnauer,C [05:06]
  86. 12: The power of the bishops- Botvinnik,M - Bronstein,D [07:45]
  87. Interactive Videos
  88. 01: Botvinnik's great breakthrough - Kotov,A - Botvinnik,M [05:43]
  89. 02: Botvinnik the defender - Botvinnik,M - Euwe,M [04:20]
  90. Smyslov
  91. Rook endings
  92. 01: The wall of umbrellas - Lilienthal,A - Smyslov,V [05:03]
  93. 02: Complete attacking harmony - Smyslov,V - Konstantinopolsky,A [05:22]
  94. 03: Textbook defence against h- and f-pawn - Gligoric,S - Smyslov,V [08:03]
  95. Miscellaneous endings
  96. 01: Miraculous defence in the pawn ending - Aronin,L - Smyslov,V [04:28]
  97. 02: The clumsy knight - Smejkal,J - Smyslov,V [05:19]
  98. 03: The mighty knight - Smyslov,V - Derkatsch [04:49]
  99. 04: The blockading knight - Geller,E - Smyslov,V [03:56]
  100. 05: An old riddle - Botvinnik,M - Smyslov,V [06:53]
  101. 06: The classic against Reshevsky - Smyslov,V - Reshevsky,S [06:20]
  102. 07: A light initiative weighs heavily - Smyslov,V - Benko,P [04:52]
  103. 08: The attacker does not exchange attacking potential- Smyslov,V - Ernst,T [06:09]
  104. Interactive Videos
  105. 01: The mating net - Smyslov,V - Oll,L [03:32]
  106. 02: Duel of the passed pawns - Lilienthal,A - Smyslov,V [03:55]
  107. Tal
  108. Magic Endgames
  109. 01: A miracoulous escape - Lipnitsky,I - Tal,M [03:46]
  110. 02: Activity counts - Kasparov,G - Tal,M [05:45]
  111. 03: Queen and Knight win the fight - Medina Garcia,A - Tal,M [03:32]
  112. 04: Party with Four Queens - Tal,M - Kasparian,G [04:33]
  113. 05: Tal's mighty rook part 1 - Tal,M - Cabrilo,G [05:34]
  114. 06: Tal's mighty rook part 2 - Tal,M - Geller,E [03:13]
  115. Rook endings
  116. 01: The power of connected passed pawns - Tal,M - Bisguier,A [04:48]
  117. 02: The power of a dangerous passed pawn - Velikov,P - Tal,M [03:09]
  118. 03: The invasion of the king - Birbrager,I - Tal,M [02:24]
  119. Legendary Endgames
  120. 01: Botvinnik's escape without coffee - Tal,M - Botvinnik,M [05:17]
  121. 02: Tal's magic bishops - Botvinnik,M - Tal,M [04:13]
  122. 03: The bishop opens the gates - Smyslov,V - Tal,M [04:42]
  123. Petrosian
  124. Petrosian's trumps
  125. 01: The exchange sacrifice - Troianescu,O - Petrosian,T [07:15]
  126. 02: Excellent Technique and the knowledge of theoretical endgames - Petrosian,T - Ivanovic,B [03:31]
  127. 03: The space advantage - Petrosian,T - Arutiunov,A [06:26]
  128. The Andersson-Petrosian endgame
  129. 01: Petrosian's powerplay - Belkadi,R - Petrosian,T [05:25]
  130. 02: The outpost squares - Petrosian,T - Lokvenc,J [08:49]
  131. 03: The king to the centre - Petrosian,T - Pavey,M [04:28]
  132. 04: The pawn levers - Sefc,J - Petrosian,T [09:22]
  133. 05: Powerplay on the light squares - Petrosian,T - Planinc,A [10:09]
  134. 06: Petrosian's prophylaxis - Petrosian,T - Ljubojevic,L [05:51]
  135. 07: The long king march - Petrosian,T - Botvinnik,M [04:14]
  136. The Art of Defence
  137. 01: Counterplay counts- Spassky,B - Petrosian,T [09:16]
  138. Interactive Videos
  139. 01: Defence against Fischer - Fischer,R - Petrosian,T [04:21]
  140. 02: Mating attack out of the blue - Petrosian,T - Ivkov,B [02:37]
  141. Spassky
  142. 01: Powerless queen - Kortschnoj,V - Spassky,B [05:09]
  143. 02: The queen's revenge - Portisch,L - Spassky,B [10:19]
  144. 03: Miracle escape - Ribli,Z - Spassky,B [04:56]
  145. 04: Beating Karpov with Q+N vs Q - Spassky,B - Karpov,A [02:23]
  146. 05: Rook endgame technique part 1 - Polgar,J - Spassky,B [04:33]
  147. 06: Rook endgame technique part 2 - Spassky,B - Torre,E [04:42]
  148. 07: Rook endgame technique part 3 - Spassky,B - Ivanovic,B [03:27]
  149. 08: Double rook endgame technique - Honfi,K - Spassky,B [05:53]
  150. 09: The famous mystery of the poisoned pawn h2 - Spassky,B - Fischer,R [07:03]
  151. 10: The bishops are hard to beat - Spassky,B - Fischer,R [06:28]
  152. 11: Spassky's strong bishops - Spassky,B - Fischer,R [06:07]
  153. 12: Do Knights really like all closed positions ? - Spassky,B - Cramling,P [08:40]
  154. Interactive Videos
  155. 01: Breaking the wall - Spassky,B - Byrne,R [04:10]
  156. 02: Beating Garry Kasparov - Kasparov,G - Spassky,B [04:14]
  157. Bonus: Morphy
  158. 01: Morphy's Fortress - Morphy,P - Loewenthal,J [04:26]
  159. 02: Morphy's escape - Morphy,P - Thomas,W [01:59]
  160. 03: Morphy's mating attack - Morphy,P - Thompson,J [02:47]
  161. 04: Heavy pieces attack - Owen,J - Morphy,P [10:42]
  162. 05: Did Morphy miss the win ? - Morphy,P - Loewenthal,J [05:46]
  163. 06: Morphy overpresses - Morphy,P - Loewenthal,J [04:55]
  164. 07: Opening a second front - Harrwitz,D - Morphy,P [07:56]
  165. 08: Morphy's mighty pawns - Anderssen,A - Morphy,P [06:59]
  166. 09: The old riddle Bird - Morphy - Bird,H - Morphy,P [05:20]
  167. 10: The refutation of my "winning proof" - Bird,H - Morphy,P [05:16]
  168. 11: The critical 22.Kb1! Bf5!? - Bird,H - Morphy,P [05:38]
  169. Interactive Video
  170. 01: Morphy's mighty passed pawns - Morphy,P - Paulsen,L 1-0 [02:49]

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